Xerces ****** (optional) can be used some places in RobWork for opening XML files. It is no longer a strict requirement, as RobWork is now able to use a Boost parser instead. If you enable compilation of non-standard parts of RobWork, or need to compile old RobWork-dependent projects, it might be a good idea to compile Xerces. Go to http://xerces.apache.org (older versions can be found here: http://archive.apache.org/dist/xerces/c/3/sources) and download and unpack the source distribution. Xerces 3.2 and newer are CMake based, and you can use the new procedure to compile it: First, go to the unpacked Xerces folder and create two folders inside it, called build and xerces-install: .. figure:: ../../../gfx/installation/Xerces_createbuildfolder.png The Xerces source. Create empty folder build and xerces-install manually. Open a Visual Studio "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt", and go to the newly created build folder. Now run the following command: :: cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="C:/some/path/to/xerces-install" If CMake succeeds, go to the build folder, and open xerces-c.sln. Then chosse Release mode and 64 bit build as follows: .. figure:: ../../../gfx/installation/xerces_install_1.png Choose the 'Release' configuration (alternatively choose 'Static Release' if you prefer static libraries). .. figure:: ../../../gfx/installation/xerces_install_2.png Choose 64 bit build. Build the XercesLib target: .. figure:: ../../../gfx/installation/xerces_install_3.png Right click XercesLib in the SolutionExplorer and click 'Build'. Finally run build for the INSTALL target. This will populate the xerces-install folder with a bin, cmake, include, lib and share folder. Note down the path to the xerces-install folder. We will use the name XERCESC\_ROOT to refer to that directory path later when setting up the RobWork project. Xerces will take up around 250 MB in total, and will take around 20 minutes to download and compile. Old installation procedure (Xerces 3.1.4 and earlier): - Go to http://xerces.apache.org (older versions can be found here: http://archive.apache.org/dist/xerces/c/3/sources) and download the source distribution. - Unpack it where you want Xerces installed. - Open xerces-c-3.1.4/projects/Win32/VCxx/xerces-all.sln in Visual Studio (substitute VCxx with your Visual Studio version - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft\_Visual\_Studio#History for overview). - Choose 64-bit Release build configuration, and build the XercesLib target. Compile Xerces -------------- .. code-block:: batch set Install_DIR=C:\Local svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xerces/c/tags/Xerces-C_3_2_2/ cd Xerces-C_3_2_2 cd Build cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%Install_DIR%\XercesC msbuild xerces-c.sln -m /property:Configuration=Release mkdir %Install_DIR%\XercesC cmake --build . --config Release --target install