This is the complete list of members for GenericFace, including all inherited members.
_resolution | Face | protected |
CPtr typedef | Face | |
curveCount() const | GenericFace | inlinevirtual |
extremums(const rw::math::Vector3D< double > &dir) const | Face | virtual |
Face() | Face | |
GenericFace() | GenericFace | |
GenericFace(const Face &face) | GenericFace | |
getCurve(std::size_t i) const | GenericFace | virtual |
getTriMesh(bool forceCopy=true) const | Face | virtual |
obb() | Face | virtual |
Ptr typedef | GenericFace | |
setCurve(std::size_t vertex, rw::core::Ptr< const Curve > curve) | GenericFace | |
setCurves(const std::vector< rw::core::Ptr< const Curve >> &curves) | GenericFace | |
setMeshResolution(double resolution) | Face | inline |
setSurface(rw::core::Ptr< const Surface > surface) | GenericFace | inline |
setSurface(const Surface &surface) | GenericFace | |
setVertex(std::size_t index, const rw::math::Vector3D< double > &vertex) | GenericFace | |
setVertices(const std::vector< rw::math::Vector3D< double >> &vertices) | GenericFace | |
surface() const | GenericFace | virtual |
transform(const rw::math::Vector3D< double > &P) | GenericFace | virtual |
transform(const rw::math::Transform3D<> &T) | GenericFace | virtual |
vertices() const | GenericFace | inlinevirtual |
~Face() | Face | virtual |
~GenericFace() | GenericFace | virtual |