This manual contains the remaning Doxygen documentation not yet moved to Sphinx documentation.
RobWork includes an abstract task format which can be used to represent, save and load tasks. The basic rwlibs::task::Task is templated and can either store rw::math::Q or rw::math::Transform3D as targets.
A task in RobWork is basically a 2-tuple which can be described as
The elements in a task are
The example below illustrated how to construct a small task, prints out the task, saves it to file, reloads it and prints it once again.
Se Sphinx documentation, this is remaning Doxygen documentation not yet moved to Sphinx documentation.
Through generic properties in the XML workcell file format, RobWork allows for adding user specific information to frames. In this section RobWorkStudio specific properties will be listed. Meaning properties that only makes sence for RobWorkStudio and not RobWork.
A property describing a camera pinhole model can be added to a frame. The camera view can then be visualized in RobWorkStudio. The property string looks like this:
"<Field of view Y> <width> <height>"
<Property name="Camera">60 640 480</Property>
You can currently only change views between cameras using Ctrl + the key [1-9], were 1 is the default 3rd person view.
This example describe how one can add his own frames to the workcell through a user plugin.
Adding frames to the workcell is possible through the StateStructure instance that is located in a WorkCell. It is important to understand that adding frames to the state structure will change the static state structure of the workcell (the dynamic state is that which is located in the State object). Changing the static structure will not directly influence State objects, that is they are still valid for all frames except the newly added frames. There exist two methods of making an old state valid for new frames. One is to just assign the old state with a new one. Though, this will also overwrite any state information that was saved in the old state, say the configuration of tour robot. If you want to preserve the information in the old state and still make it valid for newly added frames you would need to upgrade it. You can upgrade a state oldstate using either StateStructure instance stateStruct or another state newstate. Following is an example of how:
Following is an example of how to add a new frame to the workcell from your own plugin
RobWorkSim is a dynamic simulation framework in C++ developed as an add-on for RobWork and RobWorkStudio. RobWorkSim is used for research and education as well as for practical robot applications. Features of the library include:
Target audience of RobWorkSim is:
RobWorkSim is developed at the robotics department of the Maersk McKinney Moller Institute at the University of Southern Denmark. The focus of the department is on industrial robots and their applications.
The header files of RobWorkSim are distributed across a number of directories each having its own namespace. The structure of namespaces reflects the directory containing the code. For example
This structure is the same as RobWork and RobWorkStudio.
Functionality in RobWorkSim depends heavilly on RobWork and RobworkStudio for GUI and specific plugins. As such, it is recommended to install these before installing RobWorkSim.
The primary use of RobWorkSim evolves around specifying a DynamicWorkCell (scene with dynamic information) from which a Simulator instance is created which then is used to do the actual simulation.
The DynamicWorkCell is conceptually the same as the RobWork WorkCell class and extends the WorkCell description with focus on describing the dynamic properties of the scene. It is basically a container that includes a hierarchy description of the scene including: bodies, obstacles, frames, devices, controllers, sensors and their mutual attachment to each other.
The DynamicWorkCell is "stateless" in the same sense that the WorkCell is stateless, which means that typical state values such as force of a rigid body are saved in a state structure and not in the actual object. The following code snippet exemplifies this:
Not all variables of our "stateless" objects are saved in the state structure since they are considered to change infrequently. An example of this is getMass() on RigidBody. As such a rule of thumb is that frequently changing variables such as position, velocity and force will allways be saved in the state structure. Infrequently changing variables will be saved in the object instance, e.g. mass, material info, geometry, nr of joints, position limits, force limits and so on.
The stateless nature of DynamicWorkCell makes it possible to use it in multiple threads or methods at the same time and without bothering with cloning and copying of the DynamicWorkCell. However, one should be carefull to change the "static" variables when using multiple threads since these changes will influence all uses of the variable. For more indepth description of the StateStructure the reader is directed to the RobWork manual.
Now the DynamicWorkCell can be constructed in c++ or as is done more often through the XML based DynamicWorkCell file format. A Simulator is created with an instance of the DynamicWorkCell and is then ready for use. A typical use is exemplified below:
The Simulator is not stateless and to do simulations in parallel you should create multiple instances of the simulator.
The simulation is run one step at the time using relatively small timesteps e.g. [0.001s;0.01s]. The "best" timestep depends on the underlying physics engine, the current scene, and the application. Please look at section The DynamicSimulator for more information.
There are two constructs designed for getting feedback and influencing the simulation. These are the SimulatedSensor and the SimulatedController. The controller enables "control" of bodies and devices or other states in the simulation, where as the sensor enables getting appropriate feedback, e.g. tactile, visual or other states. Typically used methods such as applying forces to bodies or setting the velocity of a device are available on the Body/Device interface and does not require controllers or sensors.
Timestep, ThreadSimulator, PhysicsEngine, PhysicsEngineFactory, EnableBody,
The simulation loop