Class IterativeMultiIK

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class IterativeMultiIK
    extends java.lang.Object
    Interface for iterative inverse kinematics algorithms for problems
    or devices that utilize more than one end-effector.

    The IterativeMultiIK interface provides an interface for calculating
    the inverse kinematics of a device with multiple end-effectors. That is
    to calculate
    \mathbf{q} such that \robabx{base}{end}{\mathbf{T}}(\mathbf{q})= \robabx{}{desired}{\mathbf{T}}.

    By default it solves the problem beginning at the robot base and
    ending with the frame defined as the end of the devices, and which is
    accessible through the Device::getEnd() method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IterativeMultiIK

        public IterativeMultiIK​(long cPtr,
                                boolean cMemoryOwn)
    • Method Detail

      • delete

        public void delete()
      • solve

        public VectorQ solve​(SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__math__Transform3DT_double_t_t baseTend,
                             State state)
        Calculates the inverse kinematics

        Given a desired \robabx{}{desired}{\mathbf{T}}
        and the current state, the method solves the inverse kinematics
        problem. If no solution is found with the required precision and
        within the specified number of iterations it will return an empty

        If the algorithm is able to identify multiple solutions (e.g. elbow
        up and down) it will return all of these. Before returning a solution,
        it is checked to be within the bounds of the configuration space.

        baseTend - [in] Desired base to end transformation \robabx{}{desired}{\mathbf{T}}

        state - [in] State of the device from which to start the

        List of solutions. Notice that the list may be empty.
      • setMaxError

        public void setMaxError​(vector_d maxError)
        Sets the maximal error for a solution

        The error between two transformations is defined as the maximum of infinite-norm
        of the positional error and the angular error encoded as EAA.

        maxError - [in] the maxError. It will be assumed that maxError > 0
      • getMaxError

        public vector_d getMaxError()
        Returns the maximal error for a solution

        Maximal error
      • setMaxIterations

        public void setMaxIterations​(int maxIterations)
        Sets the maximal number of iterations allowed

        maxIterations - [in] maximal number of iterations
      • getMaxIterations

        public int getMaxIterations()
        Returns the maximal number of iterations
      • getProperties

        public PropertyMap getProperties()
        Returns the PropertyMap
        Reference to the PropertyMap