Class ParallelIKSolver

  • public class ParallelIKSolver
    extends IterativeIK
    Inverse kinematics method for parallel devices.

    The method is based on solving for two simultaneous constraints.
    First, the junctions defined in the ParallelDevice must remain connected.
    Second, the target(s) given by the user should be fulfilled.

    A stacked Jacobian is used to form an equation system that includes these objectives.
    The Singular Value Decomposition is used to find the solution for the joint values
    in this equation system.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParallelIKSolver

        public ParallelIKSolver​(long cPtr,
                                boolean cMemoryOwn)
      • ParallelIKSolver

        public ParallelIKSolver​(ParallelDevice device)
        Construct new solver.
        device - [in] pointer to the parallel device.
    • Method Detail

      • solve

        public VectorQ solve​(Transform3D baseTend,
                             State state)

        Given a desired \robabx{}{desired}{\mathbf{T}}
        and the current state, the method solves the inverse kinematics

        This algorithm will return a maximum of one solution, but only if
        it is able to find one. Before returning a solution, it may be checked
        to be within the bounds of the configuration space.
        (See setCheckJointLimits(bool) )

        solve in class InvKinSolver
        baseTend - [in] Desired base to end transformation \robabx{}{desired}{\mathbf{T}}

        state - [in] State of the device from which to start the

        List with one or zero solutions.

        Note: The targets baseTend must be defined relative to the base of the
        robot/device. For a ParallelDevice loaded from an XML file, the base and
        end frames will normally be the first and last frames of the first leg of
        the first junction.
      • solve

        public VectorQ solve​(SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__invkin__ParallelIKSolver__Target_t targets,
                             State state)
        Version of solve that allows for definition of multiple targets.

        This is a more flexible version of solve than the one from the standard InvKinSolver
        interface. As an example, it is useful to define multiple targets for a gripper where
        each of the fingers can have different target configurations. Furthermore, targets can be
        defined for different frames, and relative to different frames. There should always be a
        minimum of one joint between the base and end frames, and the end frame should be in the
        child tree of the given base frame. The reference frame given must either lie in one of
        the legs of the junctions in the ParallelDevice, or it must be in the parent path in the
        frame structure. Finally, the target definitions do not need to be defined as full 6 DOF
        constraints. It is possible to specify that the constraint should only be defined in some
        positional or angular directions. In some parallel structures this is very useful, as it
        might not be possible to do inverse kinematics with full 6 DOF constraints.

        targets - [in] list of targets.
        state - [in] state containing the current configuration of the device.
        vector with one solution if found, otherwise vector is empty.
      • setCheckJointLimits

        public void setCheckJointLimits​(boolean check)
        Description copied from class: InvKinSolver
        Specifies whether to check joint limits before returning a solution.

        setCheckJointLimits in class InvKinSolver
        check - [in] If true the method should perform a check that joints are within
      • setClampToBounds

        public void setClampToBounds​(boolean enableClamping)
        enables clamping of the solution such that solution always is within joint limits
        enableClamping - [in] true to enable clamping, false otherwise
      • getTCP

        public FrameCPtr getTCP()
        Description copied from class: InvKinSolver
        Returns the Tool Center Point (TCP) used when solving the IK problem.

        getTCP in class InvKinSolver
        The TCP Frame used when solving the IK.