Class VirtualJoint

  • public class VirtualJoint
    extends Joint
    Virtuals joints.

    VirtualJoint is a joint with a role similar to a rw::kinematics::FixedFrame with
    an optional number of dof allocated in the state.

    Virtual joints are useful when you want a store joint values of e.g.
    a number of passive joints.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VirtualJoint

        public VirtualJoint​(long cPtr,
                            boolean cMemoryOwn)
      • VirtualJoint

        public VirtualJoint​(java.lang.String name,
                            Transform3D transform,
                            long dof)
        A virtual joint with a displacement transform of transform.
        name - [in] The name of the frame.
        transform - [in] The displacement transform of the joint.
        dof - [in] Number of degrees of freedom of the joint
    • Method Detail

      • getCPtr

        public static long getCPtr​(VirtualJoint obj)
      • delete

        public void delete()
        delete in class Joint
      • getJacobian

        public void getJacobian​(long row,
                                long col,
                                Transform3D joint,
                                Transform3D tcp,
                                State state,
                                Jacobian jacobian)
        Description copied from class: Joint
        Finds the Jacobian of the joints and adds it in jacobian.

        Calculates the Jacobian contribution to the device Jacobian when controlling a frame
        tcp and given a current joint pose joint.

        The values are stored from row row to row+5 and column col to

        getJacobian in class Joint
        row - [in] Row where values should be stored
        col - [in] Column where values should be stored
        joint - [in] Transform of the joint
        tcp - [in] Transformation of the point to control
        state -
        jacobian - [in] Jacobian to which to add the results.
      • getFixedTransform

        public Transform3D getFixedTransform()
        Description copied from class: Joint
        get the fixed transform from parent to this joint

        Notice that this does not include the actual rotation of the joint (its state)
        only its fixed transform.

        getFixedTransform in class Joint
        fixed part of transform from paretn to joint
      • setFixedTransform

        public void setFixedTransform​(Transform3D t3d)
        Description copied from class: Joint
        change the transform from parent to joint base.
        setFixedTransform in class Joint
        t3d - [in] the new transform.
      • getJointTransform

        public Transform3D getJointTransform​(State state)
        Description copied from class: Joint
        get the isolated joint transformation which is purely dependent on
        getJointTransform in class Joint
        state - [in] the state from which to extract q
        the joint transformation
      • removeJointMapping

        public void removeJointMapping()
        Description copied from class: Joint
        removes mapping of joint values
        removeJointMapping in class Joint