Class LloydHaywardBlendTransform3D_f

  • public class LloydHaywardBlendTransform3D_f
    extends BlendTransform3D_f
    Implements LloydHayward blending

    The LloydHayward blend [1], makes a smooth continous differentiable transition between
    two interpolators.

    [1]: J. Lloyd, V. Hayward. Real-Time Trajectory Generation Using Blend Functions,
    Proc. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1991, pp. 784-798.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LloydHaywardBlendTransform3D_f

        public LloydHaywardBlendTransform3D_f​(long cPtr,
                                              boolean cMemoryOwn)
      • LloydHaywardBlendTransform3D_f

        public LloydHaywardBlendTransform3D_f​(InterpolatorTransform3D_f interpolator1,
                                              InterpolatorTransform3D_f interpolator2,
                                              double tau,
                                              double kappa)
        Constructs LloydHaywardBlend between interpolator1 and interpolator2.

        The blend starts tau before the end of interpolator1 and finished tau after the
        start of interpolator2. The constant kappa specifies characteristics of the blend
        as described in [1].

        interpolator1 - [in] First interpolator, no ownership transferred
        interpolator2 - [in] Second interpolator, no ownership transferred
        tau - [in] Blend time
        kappa - [in] Blend characteristic (default 15/2 for acceleration minimal blend
        between linie segments)
      • LloydHaywardBlendTransform3D_f

        public LloydHaywardBlendTransform3D_f​(InterpolatorTransform3D_f interpolator1,
                                              InterpolatorTransform3D_f interpolator2,
                                              double tau)
        Constructs LloydHaywardBlend between interpolator1 and interpolator2.

        The blend starts tau before the end of interpolator1 and finished tau after the
        start of interpolator2. The constant kappa specifies characteristics of the blend
        as described in [1].

        interpolator1 - [in] First interpolator, no ownership transferred
        interpolator2 - [in] Second interpolator, no ownership transferred
        tau - [in] Blend time