Class TrajectoryFactory

  • public class TrajectoryFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    Trajectory constructors
    • Constructor Detail

      • TrajectoryFactory

        public TrajectoryFactory​(long cPtr,
                                 boolean cMemoryOwn)
      • TrajectoryFactory

        public TrajectoryFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • delete

        public void delete()
      • makeFixedTrajectory

        public static TrajectoryStatePtr makeFixedTrajectory​(State state,
                                                             double duration)
        A trajectory with value state and velocity and acceleration
        0. The trajectory runs from time 0 to DBL_MAX.
      • makeFixedTrajectory

        public static TrajectoryQPtr makeFixedTrajectory​(Q q,
                                                         double duration)
        A trajectory with a fixed value q and zero velocity and acceleration.

        q - [in] The fixed value of the trajectory
        duration - [in] The duration of the trajectory
      • makeLinearTrajectory

        public static TrajectoryStatePtr makeLinearTrajectory​(PathTimedState path)
        A trajectory for the path path that is
        linearly traversed to match the provided time values.

        The path must be of length at least two.
      • makeLinearTrajectory

        public static TrajectoryStatePtr makeLinearTrajectory​(PathState path,
                                                              WorkCell workcell)
        A trajectory for the straight line path path that is
        linearly traversed with maximum speeds of the devices of workcell.

        The path must be of length at least two.
      • makeLinearTrajectoryUnitStep

        public static TrajectoryStatePtr makeLinearTrajectoryUnitStep​(PathState path)
        A trajectory for the straight line path path being
        traversed with a time distance of 1 between adjacent states.

        This function is not very useful for anything, but it happens to be
        used in the trajectory module test.
      • makeLinearTrajectory

        public static TrajectoryQPtr makeLinearTrajectory​(PathTimedQ path)
        A linearly traversed trajectory for the path path.
      • makeEmptyStateTrajectory

        public static TrajectoryStatePtr makeEmptyStateTrajectory()
        A trajectory containing no states.

        The end time of the trajectory is negative. Calling the get() method
        will throw an exception always, because the trajectory range is
      • makeEmptyQTrajectory

        public static TrajectoryQPtr makeEmptyQTrajectory()
        A trajectory containing no configurations.

        The end time of the trajectory is negative. Calling the get() method
        will throw an exception always, because the trajectory range is