class | BeamBody |
| A deformable body composed of a sequence of connected rigid bodies. More...
struct | BodyInfo |
| Body info holds the values that determine the dynamic behavior of the body, such as mass and inertia. More...
class | Body |
| The body interface describe the basic interface of some physical entity in the virtual world. That is as a minimum the body has a geometric description, and a material identity. More...
class | Constraint |
| A constraint is a mathematical model that constrain the movement between two arbitrary bodies in a dynamic simulation. More...
class | ContactCluster |
| calculates contact clusters More...
class | ContactDataMap |
| This class is a storage component for storing collision/contact data information. More...
class | ContactPoint |
| representation of a contact point More...
class | DynamicDevice |
| base class for dynamic devices that has dynamic state values such as velocity and acceleration. More...
class | DynamicUtil |
| Utility functions for calculating dynamic properties. More...
struct | WorkCellDimension |
| the WorkCellDimension describe a center and the box halflengths of the space that the WorkCell expands. More...
class | DynamicWorkCell |
| the DynamicWorkcell class is a container class for dynamic information/data in a workcell, much like WorkCell is a container class for the kinematic information/data in a workcell More...
class | FixedBody |
| a body with a fixed position, zero velocity and zero force. More...
class | FixedLink |
class | KinematicBody |
| a kinematic body is a body that effects the motion of other objects but it is not directly affected itself. More...
class | KinematicDevice |
| a kinematic device is able to influence the simulated environment but the device is not influenced by any external force as is the RigidDevice. More...
class | Link |
| The Link is a body that is part of a dynamic device where joints are used to constrain the movement of links. More...
struct | FrictionData |
| Definition of a friction model. More...
class | MaterialDataMap |
| A map of materials and friction models defined between materials. More...
class | RigidBody |
| A body is an abstraction over some physical object in the scene. The body class is an abstract class that allows interaction by adding gravity, forces and impulses. The integration scheme used to update the velocity and position of the body is defined by the class that inherit the body interface. More...
class | RigidDevice |
| the Rigid device is composed of a set of links where one or multiple constraints (joints) connect the links. The RigidDevice has motors on all active joints. These motors can be operated in either velocity control mode or force control mode. More...
class | ScapePoseFormat |
| saving object poses in Scape format. More...
class | BodyController |
| The body controller is a pure interface through which bodies are controlled. More...
class | TactileArraySensor |
| the TactileMatrixSensor class combines a TactileMatrix data type with the actual shape of a tactile sensor. The shape is described with a matrix of 3d vertices. Such that tactil (0,0) maps to the quad defined by the four vertices {(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,0)}. Notice that the normal is defined by sequence of the vertices and that the normal defines the direction of tactile sensing. More...
class | FiniteStateSampler |
| a state sampler that will sample a finite set of states. The nr of samples is not necesdarilly finite since states are allowed to be sampled multiple times. More...
| RigidDevice (dynamics::Body::Ptr base, const std::vector< std::pair< BodyInfo, rw::models::Object::Ptr >> &objects, rw::models::JointDevice::Ptr dev) |
| Construct new kinematic device. More...
virtual | ~RigidDevice () |
| Destructor.
void | setMotorForceLimits (const rw::math::Q &force) |
| set the force limits of all motors of this device More...
rw::math::Q | getMotorForceLimits () |
| get the force limits of all motors of this device
rw::math::Q | getJointVelocities (const rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| get velocities of all motorized joints More...
double | getJointVelocity (int i, const rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| Get the velocity of a motorized joint. More...
void | setJointVelocities (const rw::math::Q &q, rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| set the joint velocities More...
void | setJointVelocity (double vel, int i, rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| Set the velocity of a motorized joint. More...
std::vector< MotorControlMode > | getMotorModes (const rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| get the modes of all motors
MotorControlMode | getMotorMode (int i, const rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| Get the control mode for a single motor. More...
rw::math::Q | getMotorTargets (const rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| get the target off all motors More...
double | getMotorTarget (int i, const rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| Get the target for a single motor. More...
void | setMotorTargets (const rw::math::Q &q, rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| set target of all motors More...
void | setMotorForceTargets (const rw::math::Q &force, rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| Set force targets for all motors. More...
void | setMotorVelocityTargets (const rw::math::Q &vel, rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| Set velocity targets for all motors. More...
void | setMotorTarget (double q, int i, rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| set the target of motor i. the target may be a desired force or a desired velocity depending on the current mode of the motor. More...
void | setMotorForceTarget (double force, int i, rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| Set force target for a single motor. More...
void | setMotorVelocityTarget (double vel, int i, rw::kinematics::State &state) |
| Set velocity target for a single motor. More...
rw::models::JointDevice::Ptr | getJointDevice () |
| Get the kinematic model of the device. More...
const std::vector< Body::Ptr > & | getLinks () |
| Get the links of the device. More...