Class LinearInterpolatorTransform3Dd

  • public class LinearInterpolatorTransform3Dd
    extends InterpolatorSE3
    Make a linear interpolation between to position

    Given a start \mathbf{s}, end \mathbf{e} and duration d
    the interpolation is implemented as \mathbf{x}(t)=\mathbf{s} + (\mathbf{e}-\mathbf{s})*t/d.

    The template argument given needs to support addition with the "+" operator
    and scaling with a double using the "*" operator.

    For use with a rw::math::Transform3D see the template specialization
    • Constructor Detail

      • LinearInterpolatorTransform3Dd

        public LinearInterpolatorTransform3Dd​(long cPtr,
                                              boolean cMemoryOwn)
      • LinearInterpolatorTransform3Dd

        public LinearInterpolatorTransform3Dd​(Transform3Dd start,
                                              Transform3Dd end,
                                              double duration)
        Construct LinearInterpolator starting a start and finishing in end
        and taking duration time.

        If duration <= 0 an exception is thrown

        start - [in] Start of interpolator
        end - [in] End of interpolator
        duration - [in] Time it takes to from one end to the other.