Class DistanceMultiCalculator

  • public class DistanceMultiCalculator
    extends java.lang.Object
    The Proximity calculator implements an efficient and standardized way of using the
    following proximity strategies:


    The Calculate function is designed to fit the chosen strategy individually implementing a
    fitting aproach for calculating the respective proximity.

    The CollisionDetector
    It relies on a BroadPhaseDetector to do initial filtering which removes obviously not
    colliding frame pairs.

    After the filtering the remaining frame pairs are tested for collision using an
    CollisionStrategy which is a narrow phase collision detector.

    The Proximity calculator does not dictate a specific detection
    strategy or algorithm, instead it relies on the CollisionStrategy interface for
    the actual collision checking between two frames.

    Distance and MultiDistance Calculator
    A list of frame pairs is contained within the Proximity calculator,
    that specifies which frames are to be checked against each other.
    The method of used for distance calculation relies on the DistanceStrategy
    • Constructor Detail

      • DistanceMultiCalculator

        public DistanceMultiCalculator​(long cPtr,
                                       boolean cMemoryOwn)
      • DistanceMultiCalculator

        public DistanceMultiCalculator​(FramePtr root,
                                       WorkCellPtr workcell,
                                       DistanceMultiStrategyPtr strategy,
                                       State initial_state)
        Proximity calculations for a given tree, collision setup and
        primitive Proximity calculator. Uses proximity strategy given by the workcell.
        root - [in] - the root of the Frame tree. must be non-NULL. No ownership of the
        pointer is taken
        workcell - [in] - the workcell to do the proximity calculations in.
        strategy - [in] - the primitive strategy of proximity calculations. must be
        initial_state - [in] - the work cell state to use for the
        initial traversal of the tree.
      • DistanceMultiCalculator

        public DistanceMultiCalculator​(WorkCellPtr workcell,
                                       DistanceMultiStrategyPtr strategy)
        Construct proximity calculator for a WorkCell with an associated
        proximity strategy.

        The ProximityCalculator extracts information about the tree and the
        CollisionSetup from workcell.

        The ProximityCalculator is initialized with the strategy .
        Notice that the ProximityCalculator will create and store models inside the strategy .

        workcell - [in] the workcell to check
        strategy - [in] the ProximityStrategy to use
    • Method Detail

      • delete

        public void delete()
      • calculate

        public ProximityStrategyData calculate​(State state,
                                               ProximityStrategyDataPtr settings,
                                               SWIGTYPE_p_rw__core__PtrT_std__vectorT_rw__proximity__ProximityStrategyData_t_t results)
        Performece the Proximity calculation based on the chosen strategy type.
        As the varius strategies usese differenct settings all settings will be extracted
        from settings. If more then the default result is needed (first collision or shortest
        distance) result can given to get the extra info.
        state - [in] The state the proximity calculation should be done in.
        settings - [in] The settings used for the calculations. Different settings are used
        for different ProximityStrategies:

        For CollisionStrategy the Collision Query Type is used. if not given only first collision
        is detected

        For DistanceStrategy no settings are used and it is expected to be null, otherwise an
        exception is thrown.

        For DistanceMultiStrategy the tolerance is used which is the maximum distance allowed for
        the result to be recorded. if not given the tolerance is set to the largest finite double

        results - [in/out] Defines parameters for the ProximityCalculation, stores the
        results and also enables caching inbetween calls.
        If no result is available an empty ProximityStrategyData is returned. else for
        Collisions the first contact is returned and for distance the shortest distance is
      • calculate

        public ProximityStrategyData calculate​(State state,
                                               ProximityStrategyDataPtr settings)
        Performece the Proximity calculation based on the chosen strategy type.
        As the varius strategies usese differenct settings all settings will be extracted
        from settings. If more then the default result is needed (first collision or shortest
        distance) result can given to get the extra info.
        state - [in] The state the proximity calculation should be done in.
        settings - [in] The settings used for the calculations. Different settings are used
        for different ProximityStrategies:

        For CollisionStrategy the Collision Query Type is used. if not given only first collision
        is detected

        For DistanceStrategy no settings are used and it is expected to be null, otherwise an
        exception is thrown.

        For DistanceMultiStrategy the tolerance is used which is the maximum distance allowed for
        the result to be recorded. if not given the tolerance is set to the largest finite double

        If no result is available an empty ProximityStrategyData is returned. else for
        Collisions the first contact is returned and for distance the shortest distance is
      • calculate

        public ProximityStrategyData calculate​(State state)
        Performece the Proximity calculation based on the chosen strategy type.
        As the varius strategies usese differenct settings all settings will be extracted
        from settings. If more then the default result is needed (first collision or shortest
        distance) result can given to get the extra info.
        state - [in] The state the proximity calculation should be done in.

        For CollisionStrategy the Collision Query Type is used. if not given only first collision
        is detected

        For DistanceStrategy no settings are used and it is expected to be null, otherwise an
        exception is thrown.

        For DistanceMultiStrategy the tolerance is used which is the maximum distance allowed for
        the result to be recorded. if not given the tolerance is set to the largest finite double

        If no result is available an empty ProximityStrategyData is returned. else for
        Collisions the first contact is returned and for distance the shortest distance is
      • getProximityFilterStrategy

        public ProximityFilterStrategyPtr getProximityFilterStrategy()
        The Proximity Filter strategy of the ProximityCalculator.
      • setProximityFilterStrategy

        public void setProximityFilterStrategy​(ProximityFilterStrategyPtr proxStrategy)
        Set the Proximity Filter strategy of the ProximityCalculator.
        proxStrategy - [in] the new ProximityFilterStrategy.
        The strategy is not copied so changes to the strategy will affect the calculator
      • setStrategy

        public void setStrategy​(DistanceMultiStrategyPtr strategy)
        Set a new strategy. OBS. models are stored in the strategy, so make sure that the
        new strategy includes all nessesary models
        strategy - [in] the new strategy
      • getStrategy

        public DistanceMultiStrategyPtr getStrategy()
        Get the ProximityStrategy.
        the strategy if set, otherwise NULL.
      • addGeometry

        public boolean addGeometry​(FramePtr frame,
                                   GeometryPtr geometry)
        Add Geometry associated to frame

        The current shape of the geometry is copied, hence later changes to geometry has no

        frame - [in] Frame to associate geometry to
        geometry - [in] Geometry to add
        true if succesful, otherwise false
      • removeGeometry

        public void removeGeometry​(FramePtr frame,
                                   GeometryPtr geometry)
        Removes geometry from ProximityCalculator

        The id of the geometry is used to match the proximity model to the geometry.

        frame - [in] The frame which has the geometry associated
        geometry - [in] Geometry with the id to be removed
      • removeGeometry

        public void removeGeometry​(FramePtr frame,
                                   java.lang.String geometryId)
        Removes geometry from ProximityCalculator

        The geometryId is used to match the proximity model to the geometry.

        frame - [in] The frame which has the geometry associated
        geometryId - [in] Id of geometry to be removed
      • addRule

        public void addRule​(ProximitySetupRule rule)
        Adds rule specifying inclusion/exclusion of frame pairs in Proximity calculation
      • removeRule

        public void removeRule​(ProximitySetupRule rule)
        Removes rule specifying inclusion/exclusion of frame pairs in Proximity calculation
      • getComputationTime

        public double getComputationTime()
        Get the computation time used in the inCollision functions.
        the total computation time.
      • getNoOfCalls

        public long getNoOfCalls()
        Get the number of times the inCollision functions have been called.
        number of calls to inCollision functions.
      • resetComputationTimeAndCount

        public void resetComputationTimeAndCount()
        Reset the counter for inCollision invocations and the computation timer.
      • getGeometryIDs

        public vector_s getGeometryIDs​(FramePtr frame)
        return the ids of all the geometries of this frames.
      • hasGeometry

        public boolean hasGeometry​(FramePtr frame,
                                   java.lang.String geometryId)
        Returns whether frame has an associated geometry with geometryId.
        frame - [in] Frame in question
        geometryId - [in] Id of the geometry
      • getGeometry

        public GeometryPtr getGeometry​(FramePtr frame,
                                       java.lang.String geometryId)
        Get the geometry from its ID
        frame - [in] the frame of the geometry
        geometryId - [in] the ID of the geometry
        Pointer to the geometry